Following the 2022 Midterm Election, members from all sectors of The Lincoln Project Organization compiled content, statistics, and important context encompassing our work to elect pro-democracy candidates in key swing states. My job was to take that compilation and create the design and layout for the presentation. The goal was to create a presentation with a cohesive, Branded feel that was easily digestible accompanied by clean visuals and calls to action. The project timeline was tight to get it out while the election was still fresh. Through multiple iterations and edits to copy, the final result was released to LP's donors to give them the assurance that their donations made all the difference.
Software used: Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator
Sizzle Reel
Sizzle Reel
Partner Organizations
Partner Organizations
Setting The National Narrative
Setting The National Narrative
Key Race Analysis
Key Race Analysis
Georgia Runoff
Georgia Runoff
Bannon Line Targeting
Bannon Line Targeting
Advertisements 1
Advertisements 1
Advertisements 2
Advertisements 2
Advertisements 3
Advertisements 3
Advertisements 4
Advertisements 4
Advertisements 5
Advertisements 5
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis
Looking Ahead to 2024
Looking Ahead to 2024

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